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Services | Paladin Associates GmbH

Corporate Investigations

In recent years, a plethora of new laws to fight corruption, fraud, money laundering, and insider trading have been passed. At the same time, states and corporations have implemented increasingly stringent and more comprehensive...

Litigation Support

Legal disputes are part of doing business in today’s global economy. Paladin Associates supports and consults with internal and external counsel to successfully manage issues stemming from civil and criminal litigation, arbitration, and mediation.

Due Diligence

Paladin Associates conducts due diligence investigations for a wide range of clients such as investors, banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, listed companies, and private trusts. In today’s global marketplace, businesses operate in more than one...

Asset Searches

Asset tracing is a core service offering at Paladin Associates. We offer clients 50 years of combined experience in identifying physical and financial assets around the globe. This includes identifying shareholder stakes and controlling interests in...

Cyber Investigations

With the advent of the Internet, perpetrators are no longer on the street but may be right inside your operation: on your computer screen, tablet or smartphone. If your firm is the victim of hacking, insider threats or industrial espionage...

Computer Forensics

Der Schutz von digitalen Daten und IT-Systemen gegen potenzielle Angriffe und Diebstahl stellt Unternehmen zunehmend vor wachsende Herausforderungen. Unsere Mitarbeiter unterstützen Sie dabei Ihre Betriebsgeheimnisse adäquat zu schützen.

Intellectual Property

Defending intellectual property rights (IPR) such as copyrights, patents, trademarks and designs has an increasing importance for companies of all sizes and industries. IPR are intangible assets which are essential for sustainable growth and competitive challenges.

Stolen Art

Paladin Associates specializes in art theft investigations and has been particularly successful in tracing and recovering art stolen during the Third Reich period. As a result of experience gained through restitution cases in the 1990s concerning confiscation of property, forced auctions, and the use of slave labor during the Third Reich.